Embed Mailchimp & Optin for Your Website
Read on to find out how to embed Mailchimp and add an optin for your Strikingly website.
Embedding Mailchimp
You've got a brand new website and now you want to start building your email list. What cha gonna do? I'll show you how you can embed a Mailchimp formn on your website and customise it too.
You can copy and paste the code from mailchimp directly into the 'Embed An App' section in Strikingly for Mailchimp and you're done. If you want to customise it a bit more, however, read on.
Customise Mailchimp Embed on Strikingly
To customise the signup form for Mailchimp on strikingly, you need to replace some of the code.
The code you want to replace is:
<div class="clear"><input type="submit" value="Subscribe" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="button"></div>
Replace it with this:
<div class="clear"><input type="submit" value="Give it to me!" style="background:#35acce; -moz-border-radius: 8px 8px 8px 8px" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="button"></div>
Note: change the values highlighted in blue to your own words and your own hex colour number to match your website. Use 'paste without formatting' option.
Adding an Optin for Your Website with Mailchimp
Once you've created a list in Mailchimp, you might also want to add and optin for a freebie to help grow your list. There are two fairly straight-forward ways that you can do this: downloading it through Mailchimp or downloading it from your Strikingly website.
Option 1: Download freebie from Mailchimp
Once someone has signed up, you can have them download your freebie from Mailchimp.
Option 2: Download freebie from your website
You can also have them download your freebie from your website. This is a very common practice. Some people don't like this because anyone with your link can download your freebie using the link alone (they have to know the link address to do this). This is purely a personal choice. I like having people come back to my website so this is my preferred method. But if you are worried about people getting the freebie without signing up, then use Option 1.