Two Week Web Design Process

Get a professional Strikingly or Shopify website in just 2 weeks!

Website Design Process

Get a Professional Website in 2 weeks!

To give you better support while we create your website, I have a two week design process. During this time, we work closely together and focus on your project. You get what you want - a highly professional website that addresses your needs and it goes up quickly. This means I can provide exceptional support while designing your site and you get a site you love. It also requires that you are available during this time so we can make changes and updates as needed.

All projects start on a Monday and end after 10 business days (nine days when there's a Bank Holidays). The launch of your new website, handover and training happen on the second Friday after the project starts.

Web Design Process

Once we decide to work together, we'll get you booked in to my design diary. There is a €200 booking deposit to secure your place and this is deducted from your first invoice. Once this is paid, I will contact you to schedule a start date for your project. I work with you to make sure we get things done in a time frame that meets your requirements. In the unlikely event that I cannot do your site in this time, I will discuss other options with you and/or refund your deposit.

Getting Started

I need all images and content provided to me before we start. You also need to be available during the project to take calls and answer emails on a timely basis so we can move quickly and get things done within that two week period. Not having everything available may mean we have to push your project back until these items are ready. It may also have financial implications.

Once we’re ready to go, here’s what you can expect:

Two Week Design Process

Week 1, Monday: We have a 1-hour call to (1) review your previously agreed requirements and (2) go over the material (copy and text) received. We also briefly discuss the process and get agreement on goals, scope and availability of everyone.

Rest of the week: I put together a site map, colour palette (if needed), do research, and put together an initial website design. There is little for you to do at this point except to be available for questions if needed. We have a check point meeting on Wednesday to review the mock up and on Thursday I will have an initial home page design for you to review and sign off. If all goes well, I give you links to make updates and changes and I proceed to do the back pages.

Week 2, Monday: We have a 1-hour check point meeting to discuss the project and also to discuss any outstanding items that are needed for your website. The back pages are designed in the same style as agreed for the home page.

Rest of week: You will be given links to make comments and provide feedback on the back pages. I will connect your domain, do webmaster updates, make on-site updates for SEO, and mobile-specific updates for your site.

Friday: This is launch day. We have a one and a half hour call where I show you how you can update your Strikingly site and we also launch your website. I have a handover package with information on support which I review with you at this time. The final payment (unless otherwise agreed) is also due.


Fifty percent of the project price is due three business days before your start date. Your booking deposit is applied towards this payment. The final payment for your website is due the 2nd Friday when the project is completed.

Dedicated to You

My design process gives both of us time to focus on your business. It is one of the best ways to get a high-quality, professional website up, with the changes you need, ready to go and working. Want to know more? Get in touch or get started below!